Re: Duplicate List Messages [I guess there's a serious majordomo bug...]

Graham Toal (
Wed, 8 Jun 1994 13:57:41 +0100

	Sorry.  I made some changes to the list code because of a serious
	security hole found within the list software (a popular one).

	This apparently caused things to go bonkers.  Please stay patient.

	The author of the mailing list software will release information
	regarding the security vunerability within the next few days.

Hahaha!  Isn't that just like the thing - the owner of a 'full disclosure'
list resorts to security by obscurity when it's *his* machine that's

Wish I hadn't wasted my money phoning the States to warn you about
it last night.  Excuse me while I sign up with CERT's mailing list
again, they'll probably tell me more :-(

(It *is* majordomo, isn't it?  Since you now have it under an
obvious wrapper, I guess that means there's a way to pass it
command line options somehow in a mail address...?)